Our Programs have been rigorously assessed to meet all 3 Victorian SRF categories.
We offer a variety of menu options to meet services differing goals, learning styles and budgets.
Our program appears on the Department of Education SRF Menu of Evidence like this.
Click here to learn more
In 2024, the program will be expanded to 2000 services including community kindergartens and long day care providers.
Kindy Uplift funding is used to respond to children’s learning and development needs through evidence-based initiatives and focuses on 5 priority areas:
Choose one of our professional development programs or workshops as part of your annual uplift plan to demonstrate an improvement in outcomes at your service.
Each PD or workshop is:
For more information on how to use your kindergarten funding, please refer to the Kindy Uplift decision-making guide on the Kindy Uplift Program website.
Not sure which workshop to attend or looking for training at your service?
Contact us today